Whiting Farms

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Whiting 4 B's Hen Cape
A large cape, perfect for tying salmon and trout flies with the cheeks left giving you extra feathers to play with. Tie between size 14 up to Size 8. The...
Whiting Farms Brahma Hen Cape
Whiting Brahma Hen Cape is one of the best source of feathers for tying soft hackled flies. Superb conditions with nice and clean skin, with nice and soft but well...
Whiting Bronze Saddle
The Whiting Farms Bronze Saddle is the very best value in dry fly hackle available. One can easily tie 500 dry flies in the #12-18 size range with these wonderful...
Whiting Farms Coq de Leon Saddle Bronze
Quite possibly the most versatile of the Whiting Farms products. Create dry fly and nymph tails, wooly bugger collars, large dry fly hackle…the possibilities are endless. Whiting Farms is the...
Whiting Hebert Hen Cape
The traditionalist’s choice! The Hebert Miner line offers the best range of natural duns, browns, creams, and badger available to the wet fly tiers of the world.