The first anti-fatigue boot that protects against the cold

With its three-density rubber sole and cushioning pad, the Parcours 2 boot offers comfort that allows you to walk longer without tiring. Here in the warm version, its lining provides comfort and great insulation.Designed for professionals and those who work on the land, these rugged technical boots are suitable for professional and long-term use

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Westin Freshwater Lures

Westin, a brand synonymous with unparalleled effectiveness. Rooted in the legacy of the late Ingvar Westin, who imparted the art of crafting lures with an enticing roll -the Westin-roll. Westin has transitioned these handmade gems into a commercial success, expanding their repertoire to cater to an array of predator species and fishing scenarios. Over the years, the Westin range has significantly diversified, offering a comprehensive toolkit for every fishing enthusiast. Many creations remains true to Ingvar Westin's original vision, characterized by the irresistible "Westin roll" – a feature that consistently entices and captures sizable predators when all else falls short.

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